Interview Podcast with founder of

This Podcast audio clip contains an interview excerpt with Daniel Triana, founder of – Why he started it, and what he hopes it can do for the small local business community; “Well basically i am a small business owner located in asbury park new jersey. I started a travel agency it’s called cruise planners because that’s part of a franchise that i bought into so i could do anything travel related obviously right now because of Covid 19 the travel industry is getting hit pretty hard and business has been pretty quiet i’ve been working at the business for about a year now so i am technically a startup still building client base but i know i did have clients i’ve always had a bit of an entrepreneurial spirit and that’s obviously how i got into the travel agency before i always did music i have like my own website for electronic music so i’ve always been interested in trying to market my music and and i like the whole idea of marketing my travel business obviously like asbury parks in the upswing right now there are a lot of small business owners a lot of restaurants a lot of cafes there’s this this atmosphere of of growth and it’s really exciting you know between the music art and and restaurant workers everyone is like you know interested in in the small business aspect of building the community they’re getting hit obviously really hard right now because of covid 19…â€

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